graphic design


 Packaging and digital concepts for DIY treats.

Individual mug cake mixes

Mug cake 4-pack, pouch front and back

Colorful baking brand Foodstirs was growing fast when I had the pleasure of working on several sets of packaging concepts. The first were these indulgent little mug cake mixes, sold individually and bundled for the right moment.


Chewy Oat Bar Mixes were another fun project, which introduced a bit more natural texture and turned their signature ombré on its head.

Chewy Oat Bar Mixes


Digital content

Aside from packaging, I got to work on early templates of the Foodstirs website.

To expand on their clean, colorful packaging and warm up the branding, the website introduced simple graphic patterns and baking textures like parchment paper and marble countertops.

Email newsletter templates


Web ad package based on larger-scale advertising campaign